Extracurricular Activities
At Leongatha Primary School, we are proud to offer fun and educational camps to all of our students.
School Camp Program
- Prep – Camp Day at school
- Grade 1 – Camp Day at school with after school activities and dinner
- Grade 2 – Camp Day at school followed by a sleepover
- Grade 3 – Cowes Camp – 3 days
- Grade 4 – Woorabinda Camp – 3 days
- Grade 5 – Melbourne – 3 days
- Grade 6 – Wilson’s Prom Camp – 3 days
The above camps and day excursions are planned to support and enrich classroom programs. Children are offered a wide range of first hand experiences supported by pre and post excursion activities.
Camping programs are designed to stimulate and challenge the children so that learning may be extended and independence fostered in a socially supportive environment external from the home and school.
Wherever possible camps and excursions will be spaced at reasonable intervals throughout the year and parents will be notified through information nights and in writing of proposed activities and costs involved.
Parents will be offered the opportunity to pay camp costs by installments prior to the due date.
Sport at LPS
Our comprehensive physical education program, includes:
- School, interschool, and state competitions – including athletics,
- swimming, cross country, and team sports
- School sports coaching – football, netball, basketball
- Regular ‘Huff and Puff’ fitness activities
- Extensive playing fields, fitness track and playground
- Perceptual Motor Program (PMP)
- Swimming program
- Road Safety Grade P-3
- Bike Education Grade 4+ 6
Keep up to date with our sporting events by checking out our school calendar.
Don’t forget to pop over to our PE page to meet our sports teacher and find out more about our curriculum program at LPS.
School events
Our school calendar is always jam-packed with exciting events!
Keep up to date by following us on Facebook or by checking out our school calendar.
Student Leadership
At Leongatha Primary School we expect all of our students, in particular our senior school students, to demonstrate positive leadership throughout the school.
There are also several specified leadership roles that we allocate each year.
- School Captains
- House Captains and Vice Captains
- Music Captains
- Art Captains
- Chinese Assistants
- Technology Support
- Environmental Leaders
- Student Representative Council
- Peer Support Program
- Cross Age Tutoring/Buddies
- Peer Mediation