
About Grade 3

In Grade three we get very excited about receiving our very own iPads to assist our learning. The children are no longer in the Junior School and are challenged to become part of all the Senior School sporting activities such as House Swimming Sports and Athletics Sports.  The children begin to take responsibility for their own learning with guidance and support from the Grade Three teaching team.

Numeracy in Grade Three has a heavy focus on the number strand using concrete material to develop understandings in a fun meaningful and interactive manner.  In Grade Three there is a heavy emphasis on developing efficient mental strategies to solve a variety of problems, beginning to learn and understand multiplication facts and be able to tell the time to the nearest minute.  These topics and more are planned by the team in a collaborative manner and revisited each term.

Throughout the literacy program the students are given choice in their own reading and writing to become more independent learners. The Writers Workshop approach is implemented during the literacy block. In reading, comprehension strategies become even more important and are specifically taught using a range of techniques such as Independent Reading, Reciprocal Reading, Guided Reading or Book Club, to excite and engage your child on their journey to becoming a life long reader and writer.

Grade Threes look forward to a three day camp at Cowes on Phillip Island early in the year. This is used as an immersion to our Biological Science unit on living and non -living things.  In the following terms the children are engaged in finding out about Chemical and Earth Sciences, involved in hands on investigations.  During our history unit the students are eager to trace interesting facts related to the local Leongatha district, often finding artifacts from their own families.

We also participate in many excursions and sporting events, including:

  • Coal Creek
  • Swimming Program
  • I-Challenge Night
  • House Cross Country
  • House  and Interschool Athletics Sports
  • Swimming  and Interschool Sports
  • Leongatha Football League
  • Junior Choir

Grade 3 Team

Melanie Hughes, Ebony Piper, Sarah Hancock, Elly Egan, Tim Coleman