Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) form an integral part of the modern learning environment provided to students at Leongatha Primary School (L.P.S). The main aim of the ICT program is to improve student learning outcomes, this is achieved by:
- enhancing student engagement
- giving students access to creative tools
- providing the opportunity for students to work collaboratively
- assisting students with their thinking processes
There are several components to the ICT program that work together to achieve these outcomes.
The foundation starts with having 1:1 devices for each and every student from Grade 3 to Grade 6. The device of choice at L.P.S is the Apple iPad, which provides endless flexibility and ease of use – for students and teachers alike. Each iPad comes with a collection of common education and creativity apps which allow students to practise core skills, research online, create multimedia content and can be used to reinforce and demonstrate their thinking and learning.
One of the great advantages of having 1:1 devices is the opportunity for students to collaborate and communicate on projects within the school and the wider community. To facilitate this in a safe and controlled manner L.P.S uses Google Apps for Education (GAFE) and is an eSmart school which provides cyber-safety support for students. This promotes appropriate ‘Netiquette’ for communicating and working in the online world.
GAFE is a collection of core Google apps which provide each student with an email account, online storage as well creative and collaborative tools – all while working in the ‘cloud’. This technology blends into the background and is used to support student learning, while not being the focus of student learning. There is no more lost work, lessons on how to use particular software, USB sticks or incompatible documents at L.P.S. It is also managed and filtered on site and offers 21st century tools and technology that will prepare students for the workplace of the future.
LPS – Acceptable Use Agreement
eSmart at LPS
Our school has registered to take part in eSmart, a guiding framework for schools to manage cybersafety and wellbeing.
eSmart will help teachers, students and the whole school community embrace the benefits of technology and reduce our exposure to cyberspace risks such as cyberbullying, identity theft, online sexual predation and accessing or sending inappropriate images and content.
Funded by the Victorian Government, eSmart is aninitiative of The Alannah and Madeline Foundation, a national charity committed to protecting children from violence.
Our work towards achieving eSmart status will involve the whole school community—for example, we’ll be integrating cybersafety into our wellbeing policies, establishing clear procedures to deal with incidents, and delivering curriculum around the smart, safe and responsible use of technology.
If you have any queries about our involvement in the eSmart program, please contact the school.
Our ICT Team
Craig Russell (ICT Manager)