Languages (Chinese)

Languages (Mandarin Chinese) at LPS

In 2015, Leongatha PS launched a new Languages program in Mandarin Chinese, for grades Prep to 6. Students learn about Chinese culture, as well as gain basic communication skills in Mandarin. LPS maintains a strong link with our sister school in Changshu, China.

In grades 1-3, the language emphasis is on listening and speaking skills, with an introduction to pinyin (the Romanised form of Chinese characters) and recognising and writing simple characters. Students also learn about Chinese festivals and the lives of ordinary Chinese people, comparing with their own experiences. Classroom activities involve arts and crafts, watching videos, reading and writing, music and dance, performance, iPad use and games.

Due to the fact that students in grades 4-6 are also new to Chinese studies, the program for them is similar to those in the lower years. There is an opportunity for students in grades 5 and 6 to host a “buddy” from China and students in grade 6 may join in the school’s annual trip to China.

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Our Language Teacher

Kristen Zhou