
About Grade Prep

Our Prep program provides a comprehensive, innovative and child-centred foundation for learning.  We concentrate on the development of the whole child and through varied experiences, provide a platform for developing life long learners. Throughout this fundamental year of schooling we aim to support inquisitive minds, independence and organisational skills

Numeracy in Prep begins with developing a sound number knowledge and extends to patterns, space, location, money, and time. Our lessons are hands on, structured, and focus on engaging students in real life learning experiences. All areas of numeracy are incorporated into Investigations activities, allowing students to explore, expand, and consolidate their mathematical understandings. Additionally, we have an extension program for students who excel in the area of number, and support programs in place for students who require some extra assistance.

We offer an individualised Literacy program, developing essential skills in the areas of reading and writing. We focus on letter/sound knowledge and developing strong reading and writing strategies. Students are involved in daily whole group and small group literacy activities, focussing on the individual needs of the child and presenting opportunities for children to draw from their own prior knowledge. Our program is designed to immerse students in literacy experiences. Students are presented with a number of opportunities to extend their literacy understandings beyond the text during the year with porridge making, picnics and dress ups.

Our Investigations program is derived from elements of the Australian Developmental Curriculum. The program includes student and teacher guided inquiry, and supports all individual learning styles. Our students are involved in Investigations sessions four mornings per week. The activities available focus on the areas of reading, writing, numeracy, science, and physical education. The expansion of social skills and emotional learning are key foci in our Foundation program, and many of the stations available during Investigations encourage compromise, cooperation and problem solving.

We use our tuning in time, Investigations activities, and reflection time to target the students’ oral language skills. There is a clear link between oral language skills and a child’s ability in reading and writing. Through modelling and explicit instruction, our students work on their ability to provide information using detailed, full sentences and correct grammar.

Throughout the Foundation year, students are presented with opportunities to expand their skills in many areas of the curriculum. The Prep students go on a Teddy Bears’ Picnic at Mossvale Park and participate in a fun Teddy Maths Night after school. As a part of our unit on being fit, healthy and safe, we have visits from the Police, CFA and Ambulance services and a session on bus safety.

Students work on their perceptual motor skills in PMP and learn various skills in Huff’N’Puff. We have a school library that students visit on a weekly basis to extend their literacy knowledge, and iPads for use in daily classroom activities.

Prep Team

Shanna Rintoule, Sarah Coolidge, Kate Hines-Perry, Jessie Evans
