About Grade Six
Grade 6 is an exciting transition year at LPS that gives students a variety of opportunities to excel in a number of areas, and to prepare them for their further education at Secondary School. Students are involved in many collaborative projects within the school as well as other schools and communities.
In grade 6, students are involved in a variety of maths activities that are aimed at engaging and extending their mathematical knowledge. This is provided through real-life, hands on activities as well incorporating technology on iPads. Students complete work in many areas with a particular focus on place value and number. These then lead to further explorations in areas such as measurement, time, mass and shapes.
In literacy time in grade 6 students are exposed to a variety of texts that they read and respond to as well as writing about. Students reflect on their own learning in reading and writing and speaking as well as reflecting on their peers. Students are active learners who are take responsibility for their own learning choices within guided frameworks for writing a variety of genres, and reading non-fiction and fictional texts. The Soundwaves program is used to develop our students spelling skills and through this program, teachers are able to differentiate learning for our students.
Grade 6 students complete a broad range of activities in the areas of Economics, History, Geography and Science within the Inquiry based learning framework. They complete ERP’s (Educational Research Projects) based on their interests, as well being involved in Project Based Learning in term 4. In previous years students have build dog houses, focused on cooking, and creating a grade 6 yearbook online and in print.
Students are involved in a number of extra curricula activities in grade 6 including an outdoor ed camp at Wilsons Prom, Lightning Premiership and Winter Sport, China visit and the HPV program in Maryborough. We provide students with many opportunities to develop various talents in whatever area they excel in.
The Grade 6 Team
Jack Hughes, Nick Eddy, Zita Lamers, Amy Monk